Is your MSP stuck in the post-implementation tactical phase?
Andrew Erlichman

5 minutes

Is your MSP stuck in the post-implementation tactical phase?

Is your MSP a trusted advisor that spearheads transformational initiatives to attract the best talent for your business? If not, it’s worth considering whether they are actually providing true value and innovation for your business. 

All MSPs establish the foundational structures that empower contingent workforce programs. That’s what they do. They implement procedures, manage technology and mitigate risk. They drive measurable and effective results. As programs develop, however, the MSP should evolve from tactician to innovative strategist, transforming program excellence into real competitive advantage.

Today, the most forward-thinking MSPs partner with forward thinking companies to introduce innovation and strategic initiatives designed to ensure continuing value generation. They can serve as both guide and facilitator as you explore the opportunities inherent in total talent management. And there are plenty of opportunities to improve talent acquisition and workforce management programs - this includes using the latest AI and machine learning technology.

What may have worked for your company three years ago may need reinvestigation and renegotiation. We’ve produced a new guide to help you assess whether your MSP is stuck in the post-implementation tactical phase, or whether they are constantly evolving with you to support your business strategy and the fast-changing needs of your workforce. 

Download your copy now.


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